A Historical Study of '1896 The New York Cycle Show'
Eiji OZAWA (Nara University of Education)
On January 1896 'The New York Cycle Show' was held and "The New York
Times" gave
many accounts of it This paper is based on the analysis of the news and is intended to clarify
its style or characteristics, moreover its social background.
'The New York Cycle Show' was an event for the purpose of not showing
games or
interesting day's play of bicycles but selling them. Therefore it had a commercialistic aspect
Not a partial charge among classes was to be seen, though it could have been found in every
events. Each class stood on a par and became the masses in this events,that
is, holding 'The
New York Cycle Show' was the birth of a typical show for the middle class.
As a precedent show event concerned with sport and based on the modern
'The New York Cycle Show' was a remarkable one in sport history.