Common Law and Sport: Unlawful Games and Lawful Sports
in 19th-century England.
Yoshiaki Matsui (Nara National College of Technology)
The present study aimes to clarify the definitions of unlawful games
and lawful
sports in 19th-century England. A main source is A Treatise on Crimes and Mis-
demeanors by Sir Wm. Oldnall Russell, 7th ed., 1909. This book of authority make
mention of sports and games in Book VI 'Of Disturbance of the public peace',
chap. 1 and 2, and Book K 'Of Homicide', chap. 1.
The obtained conclusion is following.
The legal points about sports and games are the intention of them, the
nance of the public peace, and the prevention of the bodily harm. If the points
are not satisfied, the game is regarded as to be unlawful at the common law.